LITO invites you to Los Angeles...
"24 Hour Sunset" is a portrait of Los Angeles imagined by directors Edouard de Luze and Charles Derenne. Through the eyes of 30 artists and key players in the Californian art world (Kenneth Anger, Raymond Pettibon, Louise Bonnet, Paul McCarthy...), they draw up an original profile of the City of Angels, told by the artists and guided by the voice of Joe Dallessandro. For this occasion, artist Douglas Gordon has designed an immersive installation at Fondation Lafayette Anticipations that will take you to the heart of Los Angeles. As a co-producer of this documentary, which will soon be broadcasted in France on Canal+, LITO invites you to discover this immersive installation and preview new limited editions in collaboration with Douglas Gordon.
On view Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of September only
Fondation Lafayette Anticipations
9 rue du Plâtre, Paris 75004