How to display and frame your contemporary art editions

Art is an expression of creativity that deserves to be displayed and appreciated. With contemporary art, there are various ways to showcase your collection at home. However, it's important to consider how to present your art in a way that enhances its beauty and preserves its value. Here are some tips and tricks to help you display and frame your contemporary art editions.

Understand the art's value and significance
Before displaying your art, it's important to understand its value and significance. This means learning about the artist, their background, and the context of the art. Understanding the meaning behind the artwork can help you select a suitable frame and display location. Take time to research the artwork, and learn about the artist's inspiration and intent.

Choose the right frame
Choosing the right frame can enhance the beauty of your artwork. When selecting a frame, consider the style and colors of the artwork. A neutral frame can be a safe option, but you can also choose a frame that complements the colors in the artwork. For instance, a black frame can provide a contrast for colorful artwork. On the other hand, a white frame can work well with neutral colors or black and white prints. The frame should also be the right size for the artwork.

Get a professional to frame your artwork
Framing artwork can be a delicate process that requires expertise. If you are not sure how to frame your artwork, consider hiring a professional framer. A professional can help you choose the right frame, matting, and glass for your artwork. They can also handle the framing process, ensuring that the artwork is protected from damage.

Use proper hanging techniques
When hanging artwork, it's important to use proper techniques to ensure that the artwork is secure and doesn't fall off the wall. Use a level to ensure that the artwork is straight. Consider the weight of the artwork, and use appropriate hanging hardware such as hooks, wires, or brackets. If you are hanging multiple artworks, ensure that they are at eye level and evenly spaced.

Consider the lighting
Lighting can enhance the beauty of your artwork. Consider the natural lighting in the room and how it affects the artwork. If the artwork is in a room with little natural light, consider adding artificial lighting such as spotlights or track lighting. However, be careful not to use direct lighting that could damage the artwork. Use warm-toned lights that provide a natural glow.

Group artworks together
Grouping artworks together can create a cohesive display. Consider grouping artworks by theme, color, or style. Use a variety of sizes and frames to create interest. However, be careful not to overcrowd the space. Leave enough space between each artwork, so they can be appreciated individually.

Change the display periodically
Changing the display of your artwork periodically can help you appreciate the art in new ways. Consider switching the artwork around or adding new pieces to the collection. Changing the display can also help protect the artwork from damage caused by prolonged exposure to light.

In conclusion, displaying contemporary art at home requires careful consideration of various factors. Understanding the value and significance of the artwork, choosing the right frame, using proper hanging techniques, considering lighting, grouping artworks, and changing the display periodically are all essential elements to consider. By following these tips and tricks, you can enhance the beauty of your contemporary art and protect it for future generations to enjoy.